Privacy Policy is part of Bohemian Trading Pty Ltd. complies with, respects and protects your privacy. The following Privacy policy sets out the different types of information we collect, why we collect it and what you can do if you wish to remove yourself from a mailing list or change any personal details we may hold. If you need to contact us to discuss any of the policy then please don’t hesitate to contact us at Our privacy policy is subject to change and any updated privacy policy will be posted on our website.

What information will we collect about you?

There are different types of information that may collect from you when you are using our site. When you place an order with details such as your name, billing address, delivery address, email address and phone number are collected in order to effect delivery of the products that you order, and to contact you in regard to your order if necessary. These details are retained in our database for record keeping purposes. If you have registered for an account, you can change or delete these details at any time by contacting us or modifying your details.

As a customer of Bohemian Trading Pty Ltd your email address will be added to our newsletter list and if you select to receive marketing material on checkout then you will receive our newsletter and other promotional material direct from If you do not want to make a purchase but would like information emailed through to you then may also subscribe to our newsletter by entering your email address in the box provided in the footer of our site. We will only use your e-mail address for that purpose, you will not be put on the mailing lists of any third parties, and your email address, your name or country will not be divulged to anyone else. We will only use these details to inform you about new developments, products, news and events. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list then simply unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email correspondence.

When paying online using your credit card, your card details are not viewed by us or by any person except you, at any time during the transaction. We do not retain your credit card details and our payment gateway is PCI compliant including secure and encrypted shopping.

Any other information you provide at the checkout, such as comments or survey responses, are used to enhance and to better plan future brands and products to add and developments for the web site.

General site traffic data is also collected to assist with marketing to understand how often certain pages are viewed and to assist in market research. This general data does not identify individual users.

In the unlikely event you experience any problem with a product and return to us for a reason that requires us to send the item to the manufacturer i.e allergy or any other reaction, we will pass your name and contact information to the relevant manufacturer, so that they may contact you to ask for further information.

What are Cookies and what are they used for?

We may use cookie technology as part of our websites statistical reporting. A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a website that is saved on your hard disk by your computer's browser. It holds information a site may need to personalise your experience and to gather web site statistical data, such as which pages are visited, what is downloaded, the internet provider's domain name and country that our visitors come from and the addresses of sites visited immediately before, and after, coming to our site. However, none of this is associated with you as an individual. It is measured only in aggregate. The information in the cookies lets us trace your "click stream" activity (i.e. the paths taken by visitors to our site as they move from page to page.) Cookies do not capture your individual email address or any private information about you.

Links to other sites will from time to time contain hyperlinks to other sites both in Australia and abroad and these maybe links to other brands and products or related services. cannot be responsible for the data protection and privacy practices of these sites. We urge users to take time to examine individual privacy policies and guidelines on other sites and to only use links to 3rd party sites when you are satisfied of their policy.

Spam Act

Spam is a generic term used to describe electronic ‘junk mail’- unwanted messages sent to a person’s email account or mobile phone. In Australia, spam is defined as ‘unsolicited commercial electronic messages’. ‘Electronic messaging’ covers emails, instant messaging, SMS and other mobile phone messaging, but not cover normal voice-to-voice communication by telephone. complies with the provisions of the Spam Act when sending commercial electronic messages. makes sure that our practices are in accordance with the National Privacy Principles in all activities where they deal with personal information. Personal information includes client's contact details.

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